- The Life Changing Careers campaign is back for 2022
- Share your story and be in to win a spot prize!
- 'How to remember what you read' - a great resource to help you study
- Celebrating
Youth Week (7-15 May) and recognising our youth workers
- Careerforce's transition to Te Pūkenga
Kia ora
Welcome to the quarterly newsletter for trainees. In this
issue, we share that the Life Changing Careers campaign is back again this year. Keep an eye out for inspiring and uplifting support worker stories. If you'd like to share your story, send us your details - there's a chance you'll win a spot prize.
Next week is Youth Week (7 - 15 May 2022) and we'd like to recognise our youth workers, youth service providers and others working with young people. As you know, we love to celebrate success, and in this issue, you can
read about one of our recent apprenticeship graduates: Te Puke youth worker, Israel Hapi.
We've also got more tips and hints and resources to support you with your training journey.
The Life Changing Careers campaign is back for 2022
The 2022 campaign has just launched, so keep an eye out for more stories from support workers, just like Brett, who are making a difference in people’s lives. As you’ll all agree, we
need many more people, just like Brett, to help address our workforce shortages.
Feel free to share these stories, to help encourage others to consider a career in care and support work.
To keep up-to-date, and read more inspirational stories about your fellow Careerforce learners, simply follow or like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/careerforceNZ/
Passionate about what you do, and want to share your story?
Careerforce is seeking care and support
workers who are passionate about what they do, are supporting greater diversity into the workforce, and are happy to share their stories as part of future marketing campaigns.
Spot prizes are available! You could win a $50 grocery voucher just for completing the form.
How to remember what you've read
Do you often forget what you have read and later struggle to remember the pages you had glanced at? Welcome to a problem that many of us face. You’re not alone. It can be tricky as our brains are not made to remember everything we encounter, unless we are lucky enough to have a photographic memory.
Here we provide some great hints for reading, finding information and how to remember it. Click on the box below.
This is just one example of the great learning resources being developed. More resources are available here. We'll be adding to these over time, so we encourage you to regularly visit this webpage.
Track your own training progress, anytime, anywhere
As a trainee you can now access Careerforce's iportal where you can view and download your own training progress reports. You can see which unit standards you have completed, and which are yet to be completed. Once logged into iportal, you can also click on the 'Careerforce Resource Library' button on the header ribbon and access our learning materials on the library.
Simply go to the iportal homepage here and click on 'Register a new account'. We've also prepared a helpful user guide that provides detailed instructions.
Recognising our youth workers, youth service providers and others working with young people
Youth Week 7 - 15 May 2022 Youth Week aims to amplify young people’s valuable contributions to their communities. It's a nationwide festival of events organised by young New Zealanders to celebrate the talents, passion and success of local young people.
Events are designed to encourage young people to take on challenges, share ideas and focus on the positive aspects of being young.
Each year, Careerforce supports many learners to complete youth work specific training programmes. We want to take this opportunity to recognise these learners, and that include youth workers, youth service providers and others working with and for young people.
Apprentice graduate transforming young lives
Te Puke apprentice, Israel Hapi, is helping kids turn their lives around. Israel is a passionate advocate for young people, and he overflows with enthusiasm about the rewarding work he does, and his recent studies.
The inspirational 20 year old is employed as a Rangatahi support worker with kaupapa Māori provider Ngā Kakano. He has successfully completed the Level 4 Apprenticeship in Health and Wellbeing, with support from
Careerforce, and is eager to continue studying, upskilling and becoming more qualified.
At Ngā Kakano, Israel is a co-facilitator for youth programmes, specialising in fitness and wellbeing. In this role he inspires young people who have disengaged from mainstream schooling, and/or may be at risk. He helps to re-engage these young people, to build their identity and confidence and make healthy choices. He supports them to
transition back to school, or training or employment and equips them to make positive decisions.
3-month minimum enrolment period
Consistent with some of our fellow industry training organisations, Careerforce is introducing a minimum 3-month enrolment period for any new training agreements across our training programmes. This will apply to any new enrolments into programmes (including Limited Credit Programmes) that lead to the award of a New Zealand Qualification or Apprenticeship.
Across current Careerforce programmes, the minimum expected training duration is 6-7 months, and this is based upon the credits that need to be completed, and which in turn is based upon the level of training required within the work setting. A minimum enrolment period helps to ensure the integrity of qualifications awarded via Careerforce programmes, and that the appropriate level of training has been completed, and with the required levels of workplace-based observations and assessment. This change also ensures consistency with our current policy of refunded
enrolment fees for any withdrawals within 3 months of enrolment.
As an already enrolled learner, this change will not impact upon your current training programme.
New apprenticeship in Advanced Care and Support (Level 4)
Well, now you can now achieve the qualification through our new apprenticeship programme.
Like the trainee programme, the new Apprenticeship in Advanced Care and Support (Level 4) has an expected duration of two years and enables the apprentice to develop the skills required to provide person-centred or relationship-centred care and support to people with complex needs. However, the key differences of the apprenticeship programme are that:
- It is more beneficial for workplaces that don’t have the infrastructure for an in-house assessor.
- Apprentices and their employers can choose from the programme’s seven focus areas which are dependent on their workplace’s needs (Bariatric Care, Dementia and Bariatric Care, Dementia and Brain Injury, Dementia and Frailty, Frailty, Palliative Care, and Spinal Injury Care).
- Employers will be eligible for Apprenticeship Boost funding (currently available until August 2022).
- Careerforce will provide full pastoral support via a dedicated Apprenticeship Advisor.
Don’t forget! We have free enrolments until the end of the year. So, chat to your employer now if you’re keen to enrol.
The who, what and when of assessments
As a learner it's an exciting feeling knowing you are close to, or have completed all the work to achieve your qualification. Here are the steps in the process towards receiving your certificate and being rewarded for all your hard work!
- Your assessor must report your completed assessment(s) to Careerforce.
- Careerforce will submit these to NZQA for credit registration (this is completed weekly each Monday).
- NZQA will verify and award the qualification on your 'Record of Achievement'.
- Your certificate is issued and dispatched to your workplace.
Please note this process can take up to 10 working days to be completed. There might be further delays due to public holidays or COVID health and safety protocols.
Here Cynthia Bunag Priddey proudly showing off her Level 4 Advanced Support Certificate.
Careerforce's transition to Te Pūkenga
As a key part of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), Te Pūkenga was created in
April 2020. It is bringing together Aotearoa’s Institutes of Technology and Polytechnic and Industry Training Organisations (such as Careerforce) into one national organisation that will support work-based, on-campus, and online vocational learning and training across the country.
While we still await formal approval of our proposed transition plan into Te Pūkenga by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), it remains our expectation that we will transition into Te Pūkenga in September of this year, and as a business unit within Te Pūkenga’s Work Based Learning (WBL) subsidiary. We will update you on any progress towards the September transition, but can assure you that our expectation through this transition is that there should be minimal disruption, if any. All current learner systems and processes are expected to remain the same for some time.
He ōu whakaaro – share your voice A key principle of Te Pūkenga is Learner at the Centre. To support their work, they are running a series of face to face and online wānanga between 12 - 23 May, and we have been asked to nominate some of our learners to participate, and to ensure a strong work-based learner voice. They are particularly keen to hear from Māori, Pasifika or Disabled leaners, and each confirmed participant will receive a $40 supermarket voucher. If you would like to be considered, please drop an email to marcomms@careerforce.org.nz, together with your details (name, location, employer, role, programme, age, gender & ethnicity). We will then share these with Te Pūkenga.
Let us know if you change your workplace
If you are leaving your employment or wish to withdraw from your training, then please let us know by completing the “Training Agreement Termination” online submission form which can be found at the Careerforce website here
Tip: We suggest you check that all completed work has been assessed and reported by your assessor before requesting your training to be withdrawn. You can do this through
iportal if you are a registered user or contact us at 0800 277 486.
A warm welcome to our new readers!
This edition of Training for Good welcomes learners from additional Careerforce programmes. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter as much as we enjoy writing
Check out the previous newsletter issues for more hints and tips
You can look back on previous issues of this newsletter for more ideas to help you really take charge of your training journey. You'll also find more news stories to help keep you motivated.
issues of the trainee newsletter can be found here:
If you’re having some challenges with your training, ask your assessor or employer for some advice. If you think Careerforce can help, do get in touch with us.Careerforce.org.nz/contact-us/
Popular links and resources