Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio | National Mobile Support Team                   NEWSLETTER  APRIL 2023
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CONTACT:, text 027 204 3884 or call 0800 277 486 and ask for Edna
Meet our new Northern facilitator
Ka tika, e tuku ana au ngā inoi ki a Ihoa mo ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou i tēnei rā.
Ki ngā tini o te mate kua ngaro, tangi tonu mā ratou kua wehea ki te runga rawa, pai mārire kia rātou.
Ka huri au ki ngā maunga, ngā waka, o te motu e mihi e mihi e mihi.
Otira, ki a tātou ngā kanohi ora, Tēnā koutou katoa.

Ko Whakatere te Maunga
Ko Hokianga te Moana
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te Waka
Ko Waima te Awa
Ko Otatara te Marae
Ko Te Mahurehure te Hapū
Ko Ngāpuhinuitonu te Iwi
Ko Rachael Puru tōku ingoa

Rachael Puru: Kaitaunaki | Facilitator
Two years ago, my mokopuna mātāmua arrived in Te Ao Marama, and so began a new chapter where I became the best human spoiler for my beautiful kaha rawe, lol. Our whānau have different experiences to tiaki this inquisitive being, so I liken this lived experience with the new chapter I have begun with Careerforce. It is new, exciting, confusing, overwhelming, yet familiar, and as the weeks have progressed, I have come to realise it will be a journey of transformation.

For 10-years I worked as a Kaimahi to support people living with physical and intellectual disabilities within a residential environment within the community. I then transitioned to a Māori Health provider founded in the values and beliefs of Iwitanga and where I served for 20 years as a Kaimahi, Team Leader, and provided the mandate to assess and create the Cultural Competence and Capability Strategy. While in this organisation I had experience supporting tāne Māori to transition from a psychiatric facility to the community, worked within Public Health and Health Promotions supporting all populations, and navigated Whānau Ora across the rohe of Waikato. These work experiences in hauora allowed me to understand the needs of the people we served and how best to meet these needs.

The expectation of myself within Careerforce is progression through transformation; to understand the education needs of ākonga, to be a supportive and constructive whānau member within Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio, and to be an advocate for the values and beliefs of Careerforce | Te Pūkenga.

E manaakitanga kia tatou katoa

na Rachael
What it is to be Māori

One aspect of being Māori is to come from a long line of navigators. Navigators that travelled vast areas of ocean for centuries before making our way to Aotearoa. A people who utilised all that was around them and within them to successfully travel the largest ocean on earth, 1000 years before any other civilisation.

From navigating te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, they then went on to navigate the whenua of Aotearoa. The wild forest, the great Moa and the Hōkioi, (two of the largest known birds to roam the earth), cold and harsh conditions, and mountain terrains. Once again, using the tools they had within and around them to navigate, survive and thrive.

As Māori, a question that might be worth asking is, how do we take those same values and qualities our mātua tūpuna had and apply them to today’s world, in order to help us navigate the spaces we occupy today?

As ākonga, what are the tools and strategies required for you to navigate your learning journey? As our tūpuna experienced and adapted over the centuries, we are in a new space and time, with its unique obstacles. So, a challenge is to utilise our ancient knowledge to prevail and overcome our present day difficulties and to define for the next generation what it means to be ākonga Māori in 2023 and beyond.
Photo used with permission from
© Rui Camilo -
Proud moment for wahine who's enriching lives
Ruth Snowden has started a lot of things in her life that she hasn’t completed.  “Something always got in the way, or I just lacked confidence,” says Ruth.

Thanks to her employer, Oceania Healthcare and Careerforce, Ruth is very proud to have successfully completed her Apprenticeship in Diversional Therapy.

“This has been a big accomplishment for me. I feel very proud that I’ve done it, and very thankful,” says Ruth.

Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor Shane Bennett supported Ruth. “Shane was great. Once he helped with my understanding of the questions, I was away, I could fly! He was just brilliant,” says Ruth.
Ruth also gained confidence through attending a noho marae, provided by Careerforce’s Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio / National Mobile Support team.  These events offer kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face-to-face) support for Māori and other learners working with the Te Ao Māori unit standards in their programme.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the ‘family gathering’ concept. To be able to sit with Māori and other cultures, and just grab knowledge from others who are going through the same apprenticeship was invaluable. We were able to learn from each other,” says Ruth.

“There was great encouragement from the tutors.  I walked out of there feeling really uplifted, and thinking ‘I can do this, I can complete it to the end’. And now I feel very proud that I’ve done it.”
Tips for learning
Did you know that the Careerforce website has an area to support you to learn to learn? It has all sorts of tips, guidance, and information that will help you on your journey. Why not check it out here.

If the website feels too much for you right now, here’s something to get you started.
Remember there is no penalty for submitting more than once
If you think you have done your best, have the courage to submit - you won’t go wrong. If the answer needs a bit more information, your assessor will guide you. And if you are anxious please don’t be whakamā to ask for help.

Is there something you would like us to add to the next issue to help you with your learning?
Feel free to let us know by emailing
New Māori learner support web page
You may wish to add this page to your bookmarks: Our new support page for ākonga Māori:

This web page includes information on how we support ākonga Māori, stories, study tips, a schedule of our 2023 noho marae, and how to contact us.

We’ll add to this page as we have new information to share, so keep an eye out.

Noho marae save the date
Below are the dates for upcoming noho marae. Athough we will endeavour to keep to these dates and locations, they are dependent on enrollees in a region and securing a marae booking, so they might vary or become a day only wānganga mahi. When a noho marae or wānanga mahi is in your area you will receive an invitation with the details.
South (Te Wai Pounamu):
June 16 - 18 Nelson
October 13 - 15 Invercargill

Central (Te Ika-a-Māui):
August 18 - 20 Wellington
December 1 - 3 Hawkes Bay or Gisborne

North (Te Ika-a-Māui):
May 26 - 28  Waikato
September 15 - 17 Auckland

Far North (Te Ika-a-Māui):
July 21 - 23 Hokianga
November 10 - 12 Ahipara
He waka eke noa; kia eke panuku, kia eke tangaroa
We’re in this waka together; through all our efforts, we will succeed
Careerforce is a business division of Te Pūkenga

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